It has some pretty good information on here that can help when it comes to trying to trace his background. For starters, the birthday is always helpful and was something I didn't have before. He was born on May 20, 1861, making him not quite 51 when he died on January 16th, 1912 (three months before the Titanic sank!) As it says in the 1900 census, he was a harness manufacturer, which, as best as I can tell, he ran out of the home (look to the end of the post for the philadelphia city directory entry from 1896 where it lists his business and address at 4506 lancaster ave- I wonder if this was a typo, if he was living a few doors away that year, or if he lived at 4518 and worked out of 4506). His birthplace is listed as Germany, and his father's name was George and mother's maiden name was Wagner. Mrs. Walter is listed as the informant regarding his this information. It appears that he had been sick for at least some time, having been attended to by the doctor between November 25, 1911 to the date of death on January 16, 1912. He died of chronic parenchymatous nephritis with anascarca being a contributing factor. He is buried at Mount Peace Cemetery, 3111 W. Lehigh Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19132.

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